Private Snowboard Instructor and Owner - GREGOR LO PRESTI

I have been teaching snowboarding for the past 28 years. Back to back seasons in the northern and southern hemisphere. The teaching has taken me to Australia, NZ, Chile, the US and have spent the last 14 seasons in Klosters-Davos.
You don't need to be blue and black before you learn to put some turns together. I will mirror your turns and talk you through every aspect of it until you are ready to do them on your own. Try me on any level, I spend up to 320 days a year on my board and yes I can help.
Anything you can do on a snowboard is fun! I have taught people from 3.5 up to 84 years of age, from first time, adaptive to racing level. The most important part in my teaching style is to create an environment where people feel comfortable to give their best.
Always with a positive attitude, always reaffirming, always motivational.
By the way, I snowboard in Engelberg in April and May, Mt. Buller, Australia from June till September and Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand in October. Come and ride with me there!
Planning a snowboarding trip to Australia or New Zealand? Get in touch!
Owner at Ben&Joe's, private ski and snowboarding lessons
Discipline: SNOWBOARD
Education: AASI (American Association of Snowboard Instructors), Level III, full cert., Swiss Snowsports, full cert. (eidg. Fachausweis)
Languages: English, German and basic French